Sleepy Dog Books Foundation
A 501 (c)3 Nonprofit Organization
EIN: 99-1956234
EIN: 99-1956234
Through one child, through one book, we can change the future of our community...together!
Sleepy Dog Books FoundationWe are dedicated to fostering a love for reading and promoting literacy among children in our community. With a passionate commitment to providing access to quality literature, we strive to create opportunities for everyone to discover the joy of reading and unlock their full potential.
Our mission is simple: Getting books in the homes of children. |
Focusing on BIG IDEAS
Getting books into the hands and homes
of children will change their futures!
Programs for IMPACT
Ways to SUPPORTJoin the movement and help get books into the hands and homes of children in our communities today!
Funds Raised Go Directly to Support
Books and Programs Reducing costs to increase impact Sleepy Dog Books Foundation was established through the passions of career educators to support the communities we love to call home. We see that books impact the future of our children, the growth of our communities, and the path that our state takes on a national and international scale. Every dollar we raise goes directly to the purchase of books and the facilitation of programs across our region. |
Meet Our BOARD
-Uniting Expertise for Impact-
DR. RILEY JUSTISCo-Executive Director,
JENNIFER JUSTISCo-Executive Director,
SHELLY SMITHBoard President |
"People don't realize how a man's life
can be changed by one book..."
- Malcom X
Sleepy Dog Books Foundation
A 501 (c)3 Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 99-1956234
108 S. Universtiy, Suite 3
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
[email protected]
(989) 310-0366
EIN: 99-1956234
108 S. Universtiy, Suite 3
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
[email protected]
(989) 310-0366